My Nerds

I fell in love with the french bulldog breed from watching the movie, Second Hand Lions. I bet you never even noticed there was one in there… well there is. (His name is LINUS.) As I was watching the movie, I am freaking out at the funny looking little bat dog on the screen….what kind of dog is that!?! He was sitting with the other dogs, just chilling and taking everything in with this goofy little smirk on his face. That is all it took. I HAD to have one! So, of course, I started researching them and discovered that they were quite pricey even back in 2003 when the movie was released. I had just finished college a few years earlier and did not have that kind of cash to spend on something that pooped on the floor…

Fast forward to many years later and I saw my first blue frenchie and that was it. I was hooked again! This time I was an adult (sort of) and it was time for me to get a FRENCHIE! Whoot Whoot! I started saving and could not believe I was about to spend this amount of money on something that had 4 legs! That was about 5-6 years ago and I currently have 4: Macey, Modem, Router, and my most recent purchase….Cotton: a platinum lilac. I am hoping to have one more litter with Macey and Router and then Retire Macey. Cotton will then replace Router as my Sire. I have found that having 3 lil bat pigs in the house is the perfect number for me. I like having “a pair and a spare warthogs…”

For those of you that have fallen in love with the french bulldog breed, my only advice is be very careful when purchasing. Frenchie prices range from $500-$25,000 last time I checked and in my opinion, you get what you pay for. There are certain times in life when you should NOT bargain shop… getting plastic surgery and purchasing a french bulldog. If you have any questions, hit me up!